Hello! And welcome to my website – HannahCokerArt.com! I am so excited to be here connecting with you in this way!
As you may have read on my About page, this is a new adventure for me. A new journey, a more authentic road for me to be traveling down in my life. I have successfully left behind the life I was told I “should” live, and how I “should” live it, and I am charting my own course from here on out. I appreciate everything I’ve experienced up until now. I appreciate all the good in the well-intended guidance I had received from well-meaning influential people in my life. I appreciate all the skills and resources I’ve obtained as a result. But I wasn’t happy living that life. I was stressed doing the work I used to do in the way I used to do it, and I didn’t have much of a life outside of work, which wasn’t where I thought I’d be at 40.
And so I finally realized that I am the one and only person on this planet who gets to live my life, and therefore my opinion of it is the one and only opinion about it that matters to me. That was one of the most freeing realizations I’ve ever had. I am responsible for my decisions and it is up to me to build the life I want to live and do the work I want to do in the world.
And all of this, plus a lot of healing work, has brought me back to my artistic roots. The ones I walked away from in my high school to college transition because it “wasn’t practical” and “you can’t make a living as an artist.” Sometimes our paths aren’t “practical”, but I firmly believe you can make a living in 2018 and beyond doing just about anything you are meant to do and feel passionate about. My soul’s calling is more important to me at this stage of my life than what any external success or validation measure tells me “should” be important to me.
From here on out I am spending most of my time creating, traveling, learning, teaching, and growing. I’m learning how to make a living for being authentically me and putting my gifts out into the world. And I am following my bliss to create a life that I love living now, not at some undetermined point in the future.
I invite you to come on this amazing journey with me! And I’m so glad you are here!