Will The People Who Love You Show Up?

Will The People Who Love You Show Up?

One of the fascinating things that I’ve observed on my journey is that I would much rather put myself and my art out there with people I don’t know than with the people I do know.  It’s such a weird thing, because as any great marketer or business consultant...
Re-Becoming an Artist

Re-Becoming an Artist

When I was in high school, applying to colleges, I remember people asking me what I wanted to study and be when I grew up.  And I remember not knowing.  Not having any idea.  And so the next logical follow-up question from the adults...
Learning How to Feel

Learning How to Feel

One of the many things that I have learned on this journey is how much of my life I have spent living out of my head, mostly ignoring my feelings and my connection to my body.  It was rewarded when I was a kid to be smart, to do well in school, to get a good...