Will The People Who Love You Show Up?

Will The People Who Love You Show Up?

One of the fascinating things that I’ve observed on my journey is that I would much rather put myself and my art out there with people I don’t know than with the people I do know.  It’s such a weird thing, because as any great marketer or business consultant...
Re-Becoming an Artist

Re-Becoming an Artist

When I was in high school, applying to colleges, I remember people asking me what I wanted to study and be when I grew up.  And I remember not knowing.  Not having any idea.  And so the next logical follow-up question from the adults...
Self-Sabotage 101

Self-Sabotage 101

I was told once that I was a world-class self-sabotager.  That I could win awards and medals and advanced degrees for my ability to sabotage myself.  Until that point I had not had that awareness.  I had just been doing my best to make it...
The Power of Paradigms

The Power of Paradigms

We all have paradigms, or belief systems, that run almost everything in our lives.  Paradigms are subtle and yet one of the most powerful things that rules our lives and what we have accomplished or experienced in them to date.  Paradigms are...