How Do You Build an Integrated Life?

How Do You Build an Integrated Life?

For as long as I can remember I have yearned to create an integrated life.  My life in the corporate world got pretty out of balance at a certain point.  My time was rarely my own.  My travel schedule was not my own.  I had little say over which projects I got staffed...
What Brings You Joy?

What Brings You Joy?

“What Brings You Joy?” is by far the most difficult question for me to answer when I started out on this journey.  How the heck should I know?  I hadn’t given myself much space to think about that for over 25 years, maybe not ever.  I was...
The Start of My Woo-Woo Journey

The Start of My Woo-Woo Journey

The medical intuitive I started working with asked me once, a couple of years into our work together, “What made you trust this work when you didn’t trust anything or anyone in your life?”  And my answer, so vividly and still to this day, is that it was the...
My Healing Journey Back to Myself

My Healing Journey Back to Myself

I don’t even know where to begin.  The task ahead of me feels daunting.  I have been asked to write about my journey back to myself over these past 7 years.  I am told it will help me with the next phase of my healing journey, and...
Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time

Once upon a time, there was a little girl who learned early on in her family that she didn’t matter.  None of the adults around her cared about what she thought, or who she was, or what she wanted.  In that time, kids were expected to “be seen and...